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When Should I Consider a Mommy Makeover?

Healthy mother and baby girl

A Mommy Makeover can help many mothers restore their pre-pregnancy or pre-childbirth physique. Some of the most common aesthetic issues that can be addressed with this treatment are breast drooping and volume loss, lax abdominal skin, stretched and/or torn abdominal musculature, localized accumulations of excess fat, and stretch marks.

Depending on your specific needs and concerns, a combination of breast enhancement, body sculpting, and facial rejuvenation options can be custom-tailored to help you regain a more youthful appearance. For instance, your Mommy Makeover may include:

In the interest of achieving – and maintaining – optimal Mommy Makeover results, it is essential to keep timing in mind. If you are unsure whether now is the right time to pursue a Mommy Makeover, our fellowship-trained plastic surgeon would be glad to help you decide.

If you have recently had children, Dr. Mills may recommend waiting at least a month after breastfeeding has ceased in order to give your breasts time to settle. If you plan to have more kids in the future, Dr. Mills will likely suggest that you delay your Mommy Makeover until after you’ve completed your family, as a new pregnancy and the associated physical changes could jeopardize the results of your procedure.

An additional factor to consider is that the Mommy Makeover recovery process generally requires at least a week of rest (especially if surgical procedures like breast lift and abdominoplasty are incorporated). After approximately seven days, patients are often able to resume normal, non-strenuous daily activities, though anything that can cause undue strain on the targeted treatment areas (such as heavy lifting or vigorous exercise) will need to be avoided for several more weeks. For this reason, Dr. Mills advises potential Mommy Makeover candidates to schedule their procedure when they have sufficient time to recover afterwards.

Ultimately, the ideal timing for a Mommy Makeover will be unique to every individual – but the general guidelines mentioned above can help most women maximize their short- and long- term results. To schedule your Mommy Makeover consultation, we welcome you to contact Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute.

Editor’s note: This blog was originally posted on July 18, 2016

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