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How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost?

The cost of blepharoplasty—commonly referred to as eyelid surgery—is influenced by a variety of components. Some of the most common factors that contribute to the overall expense of treatment include: Whether upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, or a combination of both… Continue reading

How Is Asian Eyelid Surgery Different from Traditional Blepharoplasty?

A large number of Asian women and men either have a particularly low-lying crease above the lower margin of their upper eyelids or no crease at all. Typically referred to as a “single fold,” this distinctive attribute is what primarily… Continue reading

How Can I Avoid DVT After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Deep vein thrombosis—more commonly referred to as DVT—is a term used to describe the formation of a blot clot in a vein found deep in the body (typically in the legs). While the risk of developing this serious condition following… Continue reading

Benefits of Combining Abdominoplasty & Liposuction

When efforts to eat a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis prove to be insufficient, women and men seeking to attain a slimmer, more toned contour in their midsection have several body sculpting options—two of which are abdominoplasty… Continue reading

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

As with the majority of cosmetic procedures, the overall expense of liposuction will be contingent on several different factors. Some of the most common components that can impact the total cost of treatment include: The number of areas being treated… Continue reading

Does Liposuction Get Rid of Fat Forever?

For many women and men seeking to reduce stubborn fat build-ups and sculpt problematic regions of their bodies, liposuction can often prove to be an excellent solution. Depending on the unique needs and goals of the patient, this fat removal… Continue reading

Benefits of the GalaFLEX® Scaffold for Breast Lift

Also referred to as mastopexy, breast lift surgery can be a great option for many women seeking to rejuvenate their figure by correcting a moderate to significant degree of breast sagging. While the majority of mastopexy patients are able to… Continue reading

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