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Facelift with Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting is becoming a more and more popular addition to facelift surgery. In fact, Dr. Daniel Mills utilizes fat grafting in 80-to-90% of facelift operations. Also referred to as fat transfer or “fat injections,” this treatment can address specific types of aesthetic concerns that, when combined with a facelift, creates a more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Facelift surgery can be an ideal option for women and men who want to reduce signs of wrinkles, folds, jowling, and inelastic skin in the lower two-thirds of the face. Facial fat grafting can be useful for adding volume to areas that are exhibiting signs of atrophy (hollowness), particularly for regions such as the upper and lower cheeks, the temples, and under the eyes. Fat grafting can also smooth out “marionette lines” (wrinkles that run from the nose to the mouth) and other areas affected by wrinkles and creases. In addition, fat injections can give the lips a plumper, more defined look. Ultimately, fat transfer to the face can complement the results achieved by facelift surgery by enhancing facial contour and shape, giving specific facial areas and features a smoother, more refined, and youthful appearance.

Since facial fat grafting requires liposuction of another region of the body to provide the excess fat cells that will be injected into facial areas, this treatment offers patients a body contouring benefit, as well. During your initial consultation, Dr. Mills will talk with you about the concerns you are looking to address and whether facelift with fat grafting offers the most ideal option for your needs. If so, a customized treatment plan can be developed that focuses on achieving your goals with results that look natural.

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For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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