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How to Massage Breast Implants

For most of our breast augmentation patients, our plastic surgeon will recommend an implant displacement regimen to begin during or shortly after the post-operative healing process. Typically, implant massage (also known as “displacement exercises”), is advised for patients who have had smooth, round breast implants placed. It is contraindicated for patients who have anatomically shaped or textured breast implants (note: Dr. Daniel C. Mills has not used textured implants for breast augmentation since 2017). Dr. Mills will provide each patient with specific advice and recommendations based on the type of implants they have and their unique needs. Women who are considering displacement exercises should always check with Dr. Mills or staff beforehand to make sure it is advisable in their specific case.

Displacement exercises after breast augmentation help to prevent the risk of developing capsular contracture. The formation of a capsule is a normal reaction to a foreign object that has been introduced inside the body and actually begins forming the day after surgery. In some cases, the capsule or scar can contract around the breast implant, causing excessive scar tissue to form, which can create a painful, hardened feeling and an unnatural appearance of the breast.

It is very important to perform displacement exercises correctly. Displacement exercises work to effectively stretch the breast pocket and internal scar, keeping the breast implants soft and in an ideal position post-surgery. The patient should be lying in a supine position or a reclined angle to make the exercises easier for her to take gravity out of the picture. Using the opposite hand, make a fist and apply firm compression to the lower outside portion of the opposite breast, pushing the entire breast implant up toward the clavicle. The breast implant should “displace” or move in one unit up towards the clavicle, within one finger’s distance from the clavicle, ensuring that the entire implant displaces. Hold the displacement for a minimum of 30 seconds on each breast. Additionally, the patient should stretch the cleavage area of the breasts by firmly pulling the elbows together and holding this position for 30 seconds.

For most patients, Dr. Mills will advise the displacement exercises to be performed five times each day until the internal scar has matured, which is usually about six months post-operative. After six months, patients may be advised to lessen the frequency of exercises performed each day.

It is very important to note that this is a general guideline for breast implant massage. Patients should consult with Dr. Mills and staff to carefully review their post-operative instructions before utilizing displacement exercises in order to ensure they are doing what is best for their unique anatomical needs.

If you have any questions, please contact our office.

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