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How Is Asian Eyelid Surgery Different from Traditional Blepharoplasty?

A large number of Asian women and men either have a particularly low-lying crease above the lower margin of their upper eyelids or no crease at all. Typically referred to as a “single fold,” this distinctive attribute is what primarily differentiates the appearance of upper eyelids in people of Asian descent from that of Caucasian individuals who generally have a “double fold” upper lid.

Taking this characteristic into consideration, Asian blepharoplasty is a unique approach to upper eyelid surgery during which a crease (supratarsal fold) is created just above the eyelashes in addition to the normal excision of extra skin and reshaping/removal of excess fat in the upper lid. Many Asian individuals consider this supratarsal fold to be more attractive for both men and women as it helps to make the eyes appear larger and more expressive.

In spite of what the procedure is called, it should be pointed out that not every individual of Asian descent needs to undergo Asian blepharoplasty to achieve their eyelid rejuvenation goals. Many Asian patients either naturally have a double fold or simply desire to correct excess skin and fat protrusion in the eyelids without the creation of a supratarsal fold. In these cases, a more traditional approach to blepharoplasty can be performed to exclusively address the individual’s unique concerns while still respecting and/or preserving their particular ethnic characteristics.

Due to the numerous intricacies and variations of eyelid surgery, it is important for anyone who is interested in blepharoplasty to seek the expertise of a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in all forms of this delicate procedure. By doing so, you can help to ensure the most appropriate method will be customized based on your specific needs, desires, and ethnicity.

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