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How Much Younger Will I Look After Facial Rejuvenation Surgery?

facial-rejuvenationGenerally speaking, most of my patients feel they look about eight to ten years younger after undergoing facial rejuvenation surgery. Of course, the answer to this question really depends on what specific procedure you receive. For example, a facelift performed by itself may take more years off the face than simply a brow lift, and the two procedures performed together with the addition of eyelid surgery may combine to take off even more years than each one does on its own. As far as results are concerned, optimal outcomes often last anywhere from five to 15 years, depending on your skin’s elasticity (which I discussed in my previous blog post).

At my practice, my goal for facial rejuvenation surgery is to make you look refreshed – not to make you look different. The philosophy behind this is similar to Liz Taylor’s approach where she did little things all along the way to achieve a sort of “timeless” look as opposed to someone who gets a dramatic change all at once and looks very different. This refreshed look is what I strive to accomplish, and it’s what my patients say they get from their procedures.

Daniel Mills, MD, FACS

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If you are interested in facial rejuvenation surgery and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please feel free to contact our office today.

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