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Living a Healthy Lifestyle – The Effects of Smoking and the Environment on Your Skin

The dangers of smoking, unhealthy lifestyles, and stress are well-known, but many people may not realize just how much certain environmental factors can affect the appearance of your skin, making you look older than you really are. In a recent article by Patricia Beard on aging research in twins for Elle magazine, the following photos appeared, depicting a pair of twins photographed on the same day. One woman had been a smoker, a social drinker, spent years in the California sun, and had battled depression. The other limited her sun exposure and never smoke or drank.

Many factors can be attributable to wrinkles and fine lines, including the natural process of aging, the effects of the sun’s rays, stress, and smoking. Dr. Dan C. Mills emphasizes a holistic health approach at his plastic surgery practice, letting patients know that cosmetic enhancement procedures can be even more effective on patients who live healthy lifestyles and take care of their skin. Dr. Mills’ Healthy Living Pyramid includes lots of attention paid to:

If you take care of your health on a daily basis, you’d be amazed at how long you can keep the effects of aging and the environment at bay!

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For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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