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Got Cheeks? Dr. Daniel C. Mills Discusses the Anti-Aging Benefits of “Strong Cheekbones”

cheeksDo “strong cheekbones” have an anti-aging effect? The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s online resource recently called attention to the fact that most people experience a loss of volume in their cheeks over time, which can contribute to signs of facial aging. The article states that, as a result of volume loss in the cheeks, jowls and folds can ultimately appear. However, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Daniel C. Mills, says that non-surgical injectable dermal fillers can often be a good solution for improving these effects by adding volume to the cheeks. Cosmetic injectables like Radiesse® and Artefill® are just two of the many treatment options that can be performed. “Results from Radiesse® typically last for about a year, and Artefill® is designed to be a more long-lasting filler – with results that may last for 5-10 years.” Though patients usually experience some minor swelling in the treatment areas after the procedure, dermal filler injections do not typically require downtime.

The ASAPS article goes on to talk about fat transfer as another option for augmenting the cheeks, a procedure we offer here at the Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute. This treatment takes excess fat cells from one area of your body, filters and purifies them, and then injects them into the cheeks for added volume. Like dermal fillers, fat transfer is non-surgical; however, the results often last longer than many of the injectable filler products available. Plus, the extra benefit to fat transfer procedures is that you essentially get two procedures in one: liposuction in one area of your body to harvest the fat cells and then cheek augmentation for facial rejuvenation.

One option for adding volume to the cheeks that can actually have permanent results is cheek implants. Advances in cosmetic implant technology have lead to cheek implants that can be custom-made for your unique facial structure. Although this is a surgical procedure and will require a recovery process, incisions for cheek implants are made inside the mouth, and will therefore result in no visible scarring.

Regardless of the technique you choose for cheek augmentation, the ASAPS article reminds patients to remember to thoroughly research the plastic surgeon before treatment. Dr. Mills adds, “The single most important factor in the success of aesthetic surgery is the surgeon you select.”

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For more information on adding volume to the cheeks and other facial rejuvenation procedures, or to schedule a consultation, please contact Dr. Daniel C. Mills today.

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