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Should I Upgrade My Breast Implants?

implant replacement, Orange County CABreast augmentation with implants can be an extremely rewarding procedure for women interested in enhancing the size, shape, and/or symmetry of their breasts. Over time, however, patients may desire to upgrade their breast implants, and in some instances, implant exchange is even a necessity. Some of the most common reasons to receive a breast implant upgrade include:

While the first three reasons for upgrading one’s breast implants generally relate to aesthetic goals, the last bullet point alludes to an important fact about all implants: they are not lifetime devices. The average life expectancy of breast implants – be they silicone or saline – is about 10 to 15 years, after which time the risk of potential leakage or rupture increases significantly.

As a result, breast implants should be exchanged/upgraded approximately every 10 years. Doing so can not only help prevent complications like capsular contracture that may result from a leak or rupture, but being proactive about changing your implants can also lead to an easier upgrade procedure and faster recovery.

Dr. Dan Mills, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

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For more information about breast implant upgrades, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please contact us today.

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