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Are Smaller Breast Implants More Popular?

While previous decades have seen many women opting for breast implants that would create a significantly larger, more voluminous bust, it appears that trend may be reversing in some ways. These days, more and more patients who decide to have breast augmentation are considering smaller breast implants rather than larger ones.

The reasons for this are varied, and include the desire for results to look as natural as possible. In addition, smaller implants may be a better option in accordance with a woman’s lifestyle and occupation. For instance, women who have physically demanding jobs or engage in intensive fitness regimens and sports activities may find that smaller breast implants are less inhibiting. These individuals may also be less concerned about the size of their breasts than they are about maintaining a proportionate, balanced physique.

Smaller implants can also be more ideal for a woman who simply wants to restore breast volume that has been lost after pregnancy or weight loss. In these cases, the ultimate goal is often to achieve a breast size and shape that are similar to what they were before, without the results looking “over-enhanced.”

While trends can change over time, the most important thing to remember is that you get to decide what you feel is best for your needs, goals, and lifestyle. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Daniel C. Mills, MD, FACS, can meet with you for an initial consultation to discuss your breast augmentation options and help you determine the size, type, and shape of implant that can fulfill your expectations with results that look natural, proportionate, and beautiful.

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For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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