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Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting®

When it comes to treatments that can effectively reduce stubborn pockets of excess fat, individuals have more options than ever before. Liposuction has remained a tried-and-true method of reducing excess fat in a variety of body areas, and today there are non-surgical options such as CoolSculpting® that can also address these concerns. However, there are significant differences between these two options that can make one more ideal than the other for certain patients.

Here is a brief explanation of each treatment that describes the main distinctions:

Liposuction surgically removes excess fat cells from the targeted areas. Using thin cannulas inserted through very small incisions, up to 70% or more of excess fat can be suctioned out of the area. The results are more immediate when compared to CoolSculpting®. Liposuction can eliminate more fat than CoolSculpting®, as well. Scarring from the procedure is usually minimal since the incisions are so small. Dr. Mills also strives to place the incisions in areas that are quite inconspicuous, further increasing the chance that residual scars will be barely noticeable to others. With this in mind, liposuction typically requires anesthesia, and patients will need a period of recovery. Also, the higher the amount of fat being removed from a certain body region, the greater the risks associated with liposuction surgery. For patients with large amounts of fat targeted for removal, it may be recommended that the procedure be spaced out over a series of treatments in order to mitigate those risks.

One of the more innovative advances in non-surgical cosmetic enhancement to come along over the years, CoolSculpting® is a procedure that does not require anesthesia, surgical incisions, or even the use of needles. This treatment uses a special device designed to “cool” the excess fat cells in a specific area and initiate an inflammatory response in the body, ultimately breaking down the fat. The body can then filter the fat out naturally over the next few months, resulting in improved contours. CoolSculpting® is typically able to reduce approximately 20 percent or more of excess fat in the targeted region. CoolSculpting® is often a good option for patients who don’t want surgical intervention—it does not require an extensive recovery, and many patients are able to get right back to their normal routines the same day. With all of its advantages, it is important to note that CoolSculpting® cannot reduce as much excess fat as liposuction. Also, it is usually necessary to have multiple CoolSculpting® treatments to achieve the desired improvement, so it is important to keep that in mind when considering the differences between liposuction and CoolSculpting®. Plus, the results will take longer to become apparent when compared with liposuction. For some patients, liposuction may also be the more ideal treatment option for certain body areas.

A surgical liposuction solution will offer a more dramatic difference in just one treatment session; the downside to surgery is that there will be a recovery period. Recovery from the procedure will depend on each person’s unique needs and treatment plan; however, a five- to seven-day period of downtime, as well as two to four weeks before resuming activities that will raise blood pressure, is often necessary. Plus, liposuction will leave a small scar. With CoolSculpting®, there is no residual scarring. One CoolSculpting® session might be able to achieve a 20% improvement. It would be estimated that it would take three treatment sessions—with one month in between each session—to determine the success of the treatment.

Ultimately, these two procedures can be excellent options for many patients, and the best one for your unique needs will be determined during the initial consultation. Dr. Daniel C. Mills will talk with you about your goals and explain each procedure in detail. If either of these treatments is right for you, Dr. Mills will develop a customized treatment plan designed to meet your expectations.

Please contact our practice for more information, or to schedule your consultation!

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